Southern Cooking Recipes - Down Home Cooking

There's nothing better than southern cooking recipes to make one's mouth water? The south is known for its cherished traditional and celebrated ways of preparing its favorite foods.

Southern Style Cooking culinary specialties are legion, but among those best noted is the famed southern fried chicken, Brunswick stew, candied yams, beaten biscuits, corn pone, corn bread, short'nin' bread, and spoon bread, not to mention the pecan pie, and sweet potato pie.

To create any great meal we need to start with a well stocked pantry, therefore we need to learn how to be smart supermarket shoppers. In order to do this you will need to plan your weekly meals, create a grocery list and follow it when grocery shopping, when you get home you will have everything you need on hand for a well stocked pantry, that will get you through the entire week. This process will save you time and money, by avoiding those daily stops at the store to get that one item you need, that always turns into 2, 3, or more impulse items.

Food Shopping - Meal Planning

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