Squash - Fairly Easy To Grow

Squash plants require full sun, fertile soil, and sufficient moisture.

garden squash

A rich soil, preferably one to which plenty of well rotted manure or compost has been applied in the drill or in hills, is ideal for squash, in addition, 5 to 10 pounds of a complete fertilizer per 100 feet of row should be applied a week or two before planting. Both manure and commercial fertilizer should be 2 to 4 Inches deeper than the seed.

A rich soil, preferably one to which plenty of well rotted manure or compost has been applied in the drill or in hills, is ideal for squash, in addition, 5 to 10 pounds of a complete fertilizer per 100 feet of row should be applied a week or two before planting. Both manure and commercial fertilizer should be 2 to 4 Inches deeper than the seed.

Do not be in a hurry to thin, as the striped cucumber beetle is likely to destroy many young plants. Dusting young plants several times will check this pest. Plant as soon as danger of frost has passed or possibly a week earlier.

Make a second planting of any but the winter type about a month after the first, and for late-fall squash plant eight to nine weeks before first frost usually comes.